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CWC breaks ground on Health and Science Center

January 1, 2012

The construction of the new Central Wyoming College Health and Science Center officially began after a groundbreaking ceremony held May 10.

Fremont County voters approved a CWC bond proposal in November 2010, agreeing the institution was in need of increasing the capacity of its nationally recognized nursing program and to create additional science lab space. With that voter affirmation, the Wyoming legislature agreed to provide additional funds to enhance facility even more.

Several dignitaries spoke at the ceremony including Riverton Memorial Hospital administrator Chris Smolik, who along with Lander Regional Medical Center staff urged the CWC board to move forward with the bond proposal, Dr. Roger Gose, the former CWC board chair who headed up the bond campaign and passionately spoke of the need of more nurses in the area, and appreciative science and nursing faculty and students.