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Rustler Spotlight: Dayne Bradley

November 22, 2019

photo of CWC student Dayne Bradley

Dayne Bradley chose CWC because of the friendly and inviting atmosphere. He is a sophomore and is from the Riverton area.


“I think CWC is a great place to start my education,” Bradley said. “I can study what I want in an environment that is easy to learn in.”


Bradley enjoys working with his hands and building things which is why he is pursuing a degree in engineering. After CWC, Bradley plans to attend a four-year college that offers a degree in acoustic engineering. 


Bradley is involved in many things at CWC, he is the parliamentarian for the executive board of Campus Activities Board, he is a student ambassador and is on the soccer team.

I look forward to meeting everyone and helping to make CWC an enjoyable place for students. ”

Dayne Bradley

 In his free time, he enjoys riding horses, playing soccer, building new projects and being outside. 

Bradley was nominated by his advisor, Laura Phagan.

“Dayne has shown a lot of growth as a leader with Campus Activities Board,” Phagan said. “He always brings a positive attitude and is ready to help where it is needed. He leads with purpose and is a great role model for other students. Through CAB he has shown great interest in student life at CWC and is ready to make CWC’s student life thrive. He has helped plan and execute many student events, has assisted clubs with events and is working to bring entertainment to campus, such as acrobats and magicians.”