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Rustler Spotlight: Sierra Hernandez

March 6, 2017 by Laura Phagan

photo of CWC student Sierra Hernandez

Sierra Hernandez is a freshman from Riverton. She was familiar with CWC and wanted to study pre-legal and criminal justice. After she graduates from CWC, Hernandez wants to attend law school to become a prosecuting attorney.

“I’ve always been interested in law and the court system,” Hernandez said. Kathleen Tilton and other criminal justice faculty members have been supportive and have helped her plan her future, Hernandez said.

Hernandez is on the basketball team and is a campus security intern. In her free time she likes to play sports and hang out with friends.

She was nominated by a criminal justice faculty member.

Sierra Hernandez is an exemplary student. She is always will to help with extra assignments despite her busy schedule. Sierra, as a criminal justice major, assists with overall Campus Security. This is just one example of extra duties performed by Sierra. ”