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Rustler Spotlight: Tapaynga Hill

May 8, 2017 by Laura Phagan

photo of CWC student Tapaynga Hill

Tapaynga Hill knew she wanted to go to college but was unsure of the process; when she walked into CWC’s Rustler Central they helped her with the process and before she knew it she was enrolled in college and double majoring in criminal justice and theater.

“I’m passionate about both,” Hill said. “I think there’s more overlap than people think. I’m interested in profiling. Being in theater you are around a lot of people and playing other people helps grasp different personalities.”

Hill plans to graduate next May and pursue bachelor’s degree in both theater and criminal justice. She would like to attend the University of Wyoming or a university in Las Vegas. Hill said she likes the technical side of theater and would like to do SFX while continuing studies in criminal justice.

“I like the psychological aspects of criminal justice; the profiling and criminology,” she said.

Hill is in the Law and Justice club, Entrada club, Student Senate and will be a student ambassador next year. 

I’m thankful for the people I’ve met and the opportunities that have been given to me at CWC. I can’t wait to continue my education. ”

Tapaynga Hill

In her freetime Hill enjoys music, spending time with family, going shooting and doing gore makeup.

She was nominated by her advisors Amara Fehring, Laura Phagan and Maygen Cassity.

“She is one of the kindest and most dedicated students,” Fehring said.

“Tapaynga shows true passion in everything she does and has shown great leadership in Entrada,” Phagan said.

“What I admire and appreciate the most about Tapaynga is her genuine desire to learn,” Cassity said. “She fully engages herself in the classroom and seizes every opportunity to learn and grow. She asks insightful questions and always brings classroom discussions to life.